Yeah I've most probably lost my mind.
Monday, 29 April 2013
Via syazrella.
It is an interesting law of romance that a truly strong woman will choose a strong man who disagrees with her over a weak one who goes along. Strength demands intelligence, intelligence demands stimulation, and weakness is boring. It is better to find a partner you can contend with for a lifetime than one who accomodates you because he doesn't really care. Sixty seconds of wondering if someone is about to kiss you is more entertaining than 60 minutes of kissing. Spill the beans, and the conversation is history. Speak in code, with wit and challenge, and the process of decryption is like foreplay.
-Roger Ebert.
-Roger Ebert.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
I don't know if you should know this but I'm getting pretty good at brushing those feelings aside. I try my best to keep myself busy and.. It's been good so far. All I gotta do is just get myself drained between 8am to perhaps 10pm(?) and I can sleep peacefully at night. No problem, nothing. Haha.
Truth is, I'm just scared.
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Body target me.
I've mentioned earlier that I've been with OCR for a year plus. The 10th of April was the date if you'd like to know and the point of this entry is to let you guys know that I've gained 6 kg. Hahahah yes, welcome to Shiqin's Believe It Or Not. I was 37kg then and my latest visit to the hospital, I weighed 43.7kg. I wasn't exactly shocked? Kinda expected it since my tummy flab didn't go away after a few weeks. It surely does (don't ask how, it just dissapeared).
Nobody is to blame but myself. I do know that as we age, our metabolism rate tend to take a dip and that means, I can't really eat whatever and anything that I want. If I do continue, the only shape I'm gonna be in is round. R O U N D. And nope I'm not gonna allow that to happen and thus, I went ahead at enrolled myself in absbunthighs lesson and have been trying to go for short runs (whatever cardio I can) after work or during the weekends. I'm slowly trying to incorporate some strentgh training too. Been reading that that's one of the ways I can reduce fats and then be able to tone up. Not forgetting that I might have to eat clean. -_- God know how I'm gonna do that but I'll make an effort and start small. Perhaps lessen on the sugar drinks and more lemon water, less rice and more veggies and fruits to keep myself full. This can all be NATO (no actions talk only) but I must try to follow suit minimum thrice weekly. I love my meat and rice so so much this are gonna be extremely tough for me. :( I know many will "complain" saying that I'm slim enough bla bla. But wait till you see my tummy.. You might have to take back your words.
I'm giving myself a month and a half to finish my absbunthighs classes before I make the jump to join Yoga Movement. Ps: I actually wanted to give Pilates a try but then, YM seems to be pretty reasonable. In terms of price, flexible class schedule and the fact that it's a few stops away from my workplace, it's a plus point.
Oh wells.. We'll see how things are in 3 months time.
Nobody is to blame but myself. I do know that as we age, our metabolism rate tend to take a dip and that means, I can't really eat whatever and anything that I want. If I do continue, the only shape I'm gonna be in is round. R O U N D. And nope I'm not gonna allow that to happen and thus, I went ahead at enrolled myself in absbunthighs lesson and have been trying to go for short runs (whatever cardio I can) after work or during the weekends. I'm slowly trying to incorporate some strentgh training too. Been reading that that's one of the ways I can reduce fats and then be able to tone up. Not forgetting that I might have to eat clean. -_- God know how I'm gonna do that but I'll make an effort and start small. Perhaps lessen on the sugar drinks and more lemon water, less rice and more veggies and fruits to keep myself full. This can all be NATO (no actions talk only) but I must try to follow suit minimum thrice weekly. I love my meat and rice so so much this are gonna be extremely tough for me. :( I know many will "complain" saying that I'm slim enough bla bla. But wait till you see my tummy.. You might have to take back your words.
I'm giving myself a month and a half to finish my absbunthighs classes before I make the jump to join Yoga Movement. Ps: I actually wanted to give Pilates a try but then, YM seems to be pretty reasonable. In terms of price, flexible class schedule and the fact that it's a few stops away from my workplace, it's a plus point.
Oh wells.. We'll see how things are in 3 months time.
Instagram has been my #1 motivator.
I've been following @fightforfit / @theultimatefitspo / @healthybarbie / @tonedtannedandfitness and I'm not regretting following them at all. It gives me hope that I'll be able to achive such body if I keep my spirits up and not give up. There are many girls that are really plump and yet managed to lose the weight, are fitter and toned than ever. So I believe I, whom people claim to be slim, should be able to step up the game.
Look see look see then just buy lor.
Hahaha what a title to begin with.
Since I'm free, I thought why not I share a few of my latest purchase?
Since I'm free, I thought why not I share a few of my latest purchase?
Okay I do admit my choices now falls on the safe side. I try my best to dress appropriately for work and thus, whenever I shop, I'll ask myself if whatever I'm wearing is alright. Honestly, I feel insecure when my hemline are a palm up from my knees. I used to be a-okay with it but not when my close colleagues are mostly of the opposide gender.
But I do jazz up a few inches when I'm not at work aka with my girlfriends la. Heheh.
There are another 3 more dresses and a few tops that I got but I thought I'll leave the rest as a "surprise". Don't want to show it all here and then when I "publicize" wearing them, it'll look bleah-boring. Maybe not to you but I, don't particularly like repeating my outfits and have it posted up. Unless it's my ultimate favourite piece. ♡♡♡
But I do jazz up a few inches when I'm not at work aka with my girlfriends la. Heheh.
There are another 3 more dresses and a few tops that I got but I thought I'll leave the rest as a "surprise". Don't want to show it all here and then when I "publicize" wearing them, it'll look bleah-boring. Maybe not to you but I, don't particularly like repeating my outfits and have it posted up. Unless it's my ultimate favourite piece. ♡♡♡
Female woes.
Yes I'm finally back and it wasn't because I was busy the past weeks. I was just plain lazy but now, I'm on a roll hahaha.
So I've finally decided to get myself referred to the hospital because I simply can't be bothered with the torturous pain I have to go through every single month without fail. Yes, it's none other than my stupid period cramps. Most girls are able to endure but no matter how much I try to 1) eat EPO everyday. 2) exercise regularly. 3) drink lotsa warm water. None helps, I repeat NONE.
I researched and fyi, google is my bestfriend and I came to know about alot of things with regards to the trouble I've had.
Therefore early this month,
I was then scheduled for a Gynae check up on the 3rd of May and I was told to drink 3-4 glasses of water before the scan takes place. I supposed only when the bladder is full then they can see if there's anything in my womb? I don't know. Perhaps.
It would be a relief if there's really nothing growing (eg: fibroids). I might have to rely on painkillers till I get pregnant or give birth. A few friends came forward to share with me that most doctors said that the pain will go away once one goes through labour. Oh god, that is another thing that I'm bloody scared about but hey, atleast I have a few more years to mentally prep myself right? Haha.
Anyway all these marriage thingy and have a baby loves (hahaha) will probably happen in 3-4 years (I hope!) and.. I know what I'm about to say is irrelevant but I want atleast 3 kids. No kidding. Yeah god knows if I'm strong for that. :P
So I've finally decided to get myself referred to the hospital because I simply can't be bothered with the torturous pain I have to go through every single month without fail. Yes, it's none other than my stupid period cramps. Most girls are able to endure but no matter how much I try to 1) eat EPO everyday. 2) exercise regularly. 3) drink lotsa warm water. None helps, I repeat NONE.
I researched and fyi, google is my bestfriend and I came to know about alot of things with regards to the trouble I've had.
Therefore early this month,
I was then scheduled for a Gynae check up on the 3rd of May and I was told to drink 3-4 glasses of water before the scan takes place. I supposed only when the bladder is full then they can see if there's anything in my womb? I don't know. Perhaps.
It would be a relief if there's really nothing growing (eg: fibroids). I might have to rely on painkillers till I get pregnant or give birth. A few friends came forward to share with me that most doctors said that the pain will go away once one goes through labour. Oh god, that is another thing that I'm bloody scared about but hey, atleast I have a few more years to mentally prep myself right? Haha.
Anyway all these marriage thingy and have a baby loves (hahaha) will probably happen in 3-4 years (I hope!) and.. I know what I'm about to say is irrelevant but I want atleast 3 kids. No kidding. Yeah god knows if I'm strong for that. :P
Friday, 12 April 2013
Evening with Lumiere Photography (part 1).
I've decided to split this entry because the next post would be filled with quality photos and I CAN'T WAIT TO RECEIVE ALL OF THEM. Yes, both the hard and soft copy! I should prolly check my mailbox early next week because we are expecting it to be delivered within 7 days and the photo shoot took last Sunday. Our photographer was Jason and as much as I'd say he had done a good job, we've yet to see the actual results. He did let us took a sneak peek towards the end of the shoot and in between because we didn't wanna look like idiots hahaha. At the very least, we knew how things were going. Anyway, he was extremely patient and kind. Zero trouble working with him throughout the 90 mins!
I love taking photos in the lift and FYI, I live on the third floor HAHAHA. So yupp I basically have less than a minute before the lift door opens and that can only mean that my camwhore skills have improved tremendously! Another HAHAHA.
We headed straight to KGC for dinner and thank god the food was all good. The Nasi Goreng Daging Paprik that Syaff got was flavourful, the Roti John Beef w Cheese was simply shiok. I had the boring Mee Maggie Goreng Seafood (since I've been craving for maggie noodles) and Faezah got the Mee Soto which is one of the best I've tasted la. Or maybe because it's spicy therefore it automatically falls under my fav list. :P
Only disappointment was that the food all came like 40 minutes later?! -_-
Just being vain and I think this photo would have been perfect without my Mas Terry at the back. Hahaha. If you've followed me closely *ahem* you'd know what I mean. ^^
Make it true.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
I've not returned nor met my Kidz Amaze babes ever since I started work with OCR (okay let me side track abit here, today's officially my anniversary with NUS OCR CE team! Time flies huhhhh omggggg) and it was only on the 6th April (and Cassandra's 20th which falls on the 7th) that we finally had a short meet up!

"They say god works in mysterious ways. They just never say how mysterious the ways could be."
Things have been a little different for me and I'm not complaining (don't wish to go into details either) but for sure it's all for the better.
Things have been a little different for me and I'm not complaining (don't wish to go into details either) but for sure it's all for the better.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Bibik on duty.
You guys need to know that I'm not always that well-dressed and you might also want to know that I can be abit OCD when it comes to cleaning.
Believe it or not but my dearest Dad actually re furnished the whole kitchen cabinet. We used to have a brown and woody look but now it's all white with sleek and polished. Amazing isn't it? I'm shocked to see the whole transformation too! Really wished I took a before and after photo. Okay la, basically, he repainted, sand-papered and fixed new handles + the table top now is sporting an all classic black tile with idk what pebbles/stones thingy? I'm sorry I've no idea what it is and I shall take a photo soon to better prove my point. Haha.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
The Return of The Ring [5.24]
- Blair: I love you. I'm in love with you. I've tried to kill it, to run away from it, but I can't... I don't want to anymore.
- Chuck: So what?
- Blair: So now we can be together. It's not what you want?
- Chuck: It was. Before I lost everything.
- Chuck: I always put you first. And you bet against me every time. Now I have nothing.
- Blair: You have me.
- Chuck: It's not enough. I need a future.
- Blair: Than let me be part of it.
- Chuck: I dont't want to be Mr. Blair Waldorf. I'm Chuck Bass.
- Blair: [to Chuck, at the casino in Monaco] You fought for me all year. I've come to fight for you.
- Casino dealer: Will you be joining the game?
- Blair: You said I always bet against you. But this time I'm all in.
I really would love to buy or rent the whole season and spend my weekend in bed with a tub of B&J's.
It's been a while since I last had this alone time crying, laughing and smiling to my laptop. Hahaha.
You know you love me, xoxo.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Spatula Bakery.
If I were to get engaged or married, these designs below would be it.
I love how simple yet elegant they can be. Though 99% chance I wouldn't
be eating the cream. Hahaha I'm sorry guys/babes, but I the only reason
why I don't take cream (yes no whipped cream in my grande mocha nor
chocolate cream chip) is because it makes me wanna vomit. I hate the
feeling of cream in my mouth. It's like instant death for me. If that's
even possible..
Yes, I stole the lovely photos from either their website or facebook page.
They update frequently on Instagram too! Work your fingers and google them. Hehe.
They update frequently on Instagram too! Work your fingers and google them. Hehe.
Come on, look at the Lana Cake.. beautifully piped with fresh cream (I assume). Only crazy people like me scrape those off before eating. That's not all, I peel off fondants before I eat the cake too! HAHAHA.
If you're not as crazy as I am, I'm very sure you'll love it all.
If you're not as crazy as I am, I'm very sure you'll love it all.
I've yet to try any of these babies (oopsy) from Spatula Bakery but I hope I get to bite into one someday and I hope 'someday' would be very soon (especially when they're opening their flagship store this April)! xx
I, sometimes.
I'm starting to feel the pinch whenever I shop and I hate that the most because I'm still young. Young enough to not bother about paying for a flat, paying for a baby and what nots.
I hate how I'm actually paying for both my diploma (I really thought they'll deduct from my CPF and transfer back to Dad but no, we gotta pay via ibanking every month w/o fail till our due is paid) and degree monthly. I'm not even earning that much fyi. How I managed to survive with my pay is sometimes one hell of a big question mark for me.
I don't take any allowance from my parents since I've started work proper. In fact, I've given them more than I ever did. And throughout my secondary and polytechnic days, Dad only paid for my standard concession and I get $80 per month for food. Anything with regards to clothes that I purchase, movies that I sometimes watch and dinners that I have outside came from my own pocket. Ps; I paid my own handphone bills since I was 15.
Sometimes it pains me when my sisters don't even have to do any of those. They all got their own phone without having to work. Their handphone bills are all paid for. They borrow most of my clothes, bags, shoes. Anything that fits, they'll borrow. No, I'm not being "buruk siku", I'm merely stating what and how I feel.
Sometimes I hate my brothers for not ever being there. I hate being the eldest daughter. Why I can't be the third one in the family? Why can't I be the youngest one in the family?
Sometimes I wonder if this is always the elder's sister's plight.
Monday, 1 April 2013
My dearest cutie snowball.
Sue's surprise party falls on the same day of NUS Open Day and besides the fact that the week before was madness, I managed to push myself to be there. Reached only at 10pm and prior to that, I successfully ordered all the food! KFC Family Meal > Sushi Platter > Sarpino's and thank god I bought all the utensils and drinks before hand! Phewwww. We also split the job amongst us all. Zaimah with the booking and checking in of the hotel, Nurul with the buying of gifts and Faezah with helping of collecting drinks and utensils from my place. (Y)
The lady got 2 sets of Benefit's make-up set and a spanking new VS bag for her to use for work. That's one of the reasons why I love my girls, we never fail to buy gifts that's not only a want but also a need. Using something on a daily basis is what keeps the thoughts of each other going (at least that's what I think). At times, we can be very busy to meet up for our weekly teh tarik session at Gombak but deep down, I know that we're always in each other's heart. Hehe.
"I still look for your face. Oh if only you could see me now."
I've been having the best days of my life and I shall remain positive.
True enough, it can't rain forever. XOXO, shiqin.
True enough, it can't rain forever. XOXO, shiqin.
Sue's 26th at Carlton Hotel.
It was a tiring day for me but nothing beats the comfort of being with my girls till the next morning.
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