
Friday 5 July 2013

Story of my life.

I tend to not talk about it and I get really awkward when people were to ask me how things are with my "dating" life. Whatever thattt is. Haha I've pretty much lost touch but I'm not gonna lie that I do miss those days and sure, I do get lonely. Oh wells, I just tell myself that maybe my time have yet to come and I shall not force nor think too much (though it always lingers on my mind!). :P

Nonetheless, during a dinner at Usman's last weekend with a friend of mine, he asked "What was the sweetest thing someone ever did for you?" and.. I couldn't answer him. Then next question was, "You've never received flowers before?!" and when I shook my head, you should have seen his facial expression! Priceless. Hahaha.

And here I am obsessed with fresh flowers. Hahaha only god knows how I felt.

Okay that's all for now! I gotta run to prepare for my event which is happening on Monday and it's gonna last for a good 2 weeks! I prolly am gonna die hahaha drama mama abit. May god bless me! XOXO.

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