
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Pain in the ass.

Today didn't exactly started out well or rather I didn't went to sleep on a good note. It was more of a whatever note. Hmmm right if that even exist. Anyway.. First up, I overslept and missed sahur + subuh. If that's not any worst, I decided to snooze till 0705 and had to rush to work. Ironed my work dress and that idiot of an iron decides to heat up a lil too much and leaves this burnt like mark on my favourite dress which btw, was worn less than 5 times? Urrgh I really hate that cheap iron. Idk to you but $120 for a Philips is cheap and it's just an asshole.

And as much as I love work, sometimes it's unfair when things gets pushed to me. It's not that I don't want to help but how can I always end up helping/doing someone else's job? Wish I could elaborate but urrgh whatever (yeah again).

Okay sorry. I think my PMS is acting up and kindly don't cross my line. Things that are funny to you may not be at all funny to me. Till then, xx.

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