
Tuesday 4 November 2014

By Chelsea Fagan.

5. Nice nail polish, or no nail polish at all.

8. Take care of your body, but also treat it, because it does so much for you. Have a big, healthy salad at lunch, but enjoy the hell out of that slice of pizza for dinner.

11. Really take the time to say “thank you” when someone does something for you. Pretty Girls might take people’s kindness for granted — because they’re super hot, and everyone wants to help them — but Beautiful Girls take the time to make people feel appreciated.

12. Never apologize for taking the time to work out, or the money on a facial or whatever, because you and your health and wellness deserve these things.

13. Go with what life hands you: When life gives you bad skin (raises hand!), take extra good care when you exfoliate and moisturize, and have the most cared-for face on the block.

14. Wear what makes you feel and look good, not what’s in fashion.

15. Take long, luxurious baths or showers where you go through every treatment — even the crazy DIY hair masks you found on Pinterest.

17. When someone compliments you, don’t be afraid of accepting it with grace. It doesn’t mean you’re conceited, it means you love yourself.

19. Take a long time to get ready for special things. Luxuriate in the ritual and the pleasure of pampering yourself and making yourself even more beautiful.

20. When you work hard, reward yourself with gifts, like you would anyone else that you loved.

I’m pretty happy with my appearance overall, but I wouldn’t consider myself a Beautiful Girl yet (capital B, capital G), because A) I’m not a solid 9.5, and B) I don’t have the Beautiful Girl frame of mind. I don’t float through life on a cloud of attractiveness, confidence, and self-care. But I should! We all should. We should all treat ourselves like Beautiful Girls, especially on the days when we feel gross.

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