The only way to rise from the fall is to further surround myself with people who makes me happy and those that truly care for me. I also have to keep reminding myself that life still goes on. Shit happens and what you gotta do is to just flush it down and begin a new. I've also learnt that nothing really does stays forever and I vow that
from now on, I'll take things with a pinch of salt. Or at least till
someone can assure me (may I add, assure me gila babi) that we are on the same path and could actually
see us being together for the rest of our life. Sure, that may sound a lil too
much for some, in fact I cringe at the thought of starting all over
again (because honestly, I'm having major trust issues with the opposite gender nowadays) but there's no way I can go back to how and what things were. Therefore, to 'move
forward' is ze mantra from now on.

I've a feeling that those girls up there in the group photo (kindly click to enlarge please. I've nicely made it into a collage for your viewing pleasure hahaha.) are gonna be my party khakis from now on. I mean, we were all from RP (myself, Tiqah, Fa, Rchl, Germaine), Dhiya's are the girls' ex colleague and Zaimah's my closest gfs. So yeap, there you have them all! Haha. Extremely laid back, fun like hell and we truly keep a look out for each other! Gotta love going out with girls that have a mind of their own and not those that always say, "anything la I anything". Because ps: I can't stand those type of people. They make me feel like smacking their head so that they'll come out with some sort of a decision. Hahaha.

I knew I had to be outside on that particular Saturday night because for all you know, I might be attempting to kill myself (wished I can go in detail but I shall keep it highly privatized) HAHA. So glad I have Syafff to accompany me. We met and I became her personal shopper for the day. Picked out an all black and gold outfit for her conference meeting in KL and hellll yeah she looks good! She even put on the red lipstick I recommended! Hehehe so proud of this girl here la.
We were a tad too early. Reservation was at 8.30? But we arrived an hour earlier + we were later reminded that Goodfellas only starts playing at 10.30 hahaha. Yeap you probably guessed it correctly, we stayed and didn't budged an inch till 11.30. Thank god there was lotsa food and drink (of course never ending snapping of photos). Before I forget, many many thanks to the head chef at Timbre Substation! ;)
Just so you know, I enjoy being around with people who appreciates good music and also, comfortable silence. xx