
Friday, 2 November 2012

Friday's confession.

You know, I would love to go out with my girlfriends and do fun/different things together. Not that I don't want or can't do with my parents/sisters but it's because I've done those stuffs, or at-least somewhere in between the lines with them already. Like perhaps hunt for a new cafĂ© to chill and catch-up, if it’s not weekly, perhaps fortnightly or monthly, go cycling/rollerblading even! I would love to go for a fancy high-tea, dinner and Indian/Macds breakfast too! Not forgetting, just hanging in shopping malls or going for flea markets. Basically just shopping! But of course, I understand how each one of them has commitment (like work on Saturdays, boyfriend/family time) or financial issues (not working = no income or working but been supporting family members.) I feel bad and neither do I want to disappoint myself by asking them though I know there’s no harm trying but I just lost all strength to plan. Most of all, I don’t want to disturb because they all seem pretty occupied with their personal life.

And I assume that’s good because then I’ll have my own “whatever” space/time and do those things by myself. I mean, I can’t wait on others to accompany and share some happiness (and waste some money hahaha) with me always. They barely have time for themselves. Why would they have time for me, right? xx

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