Brought Atiqah out for her birthday lunch at PS Cafe @ Palais Renaissance and was pretty disapointed with my Prawn Aglio Olio because there was barely any spice to it. It lacks the garlic and cili padi like how I like and expected it to. In fact, it was oily. Bummer ain't it? And yes, I know I should have gotten the truffle fries but we had zero interest for that at that point of time. Hahaha.
I decided to treat the parents to Tiffany's Cafe at Furama just so that I can spend some time with them before Dad did his knee operation and again, the food was nowhere our expectations. I should have brought them to any of the Turkish restaurants at Arab Street lor. Seriously, I/we would be more puas hati. The food wasn't thatttt bad la but the interior could have been improved. I'm shocked as to how the management can allow such tables and chairs still be utilized. :/

Day out with the cousins, was one hell of a crazy yet relaxing! It rained in the late morning to early afternoon and we almost cancelled it for stay at home movie marathon but thank god for some who insist hahahaha. The weather when we reached West Coast Park was perfect. Cool and breezy + the fact that every family had a task to do/bring/cook, made the whole pot luck picnic great! We left for home (our home) to shower, did our Marghrib prayers before purchasing Red Riding Hood from MioTV and continued snacking till it was time for the kiddos to head home. L O V E.

I don't know if it's appropriate to label myself as an OCD person as my work desk is not exactly arranged neatly where my documents and folders are stacked accordingly but I try to clear and keep it mess free, daily. Unless if I end work really late and I know I have tons to do the following day, I will not bother because at 8.30am, work begins full on. BUT my room, has got to be clean and tidy at ALL times. I cannot stand girls with freaking messy rooms. How the hell do you live in a room where your bed is undone, your clothes are lying on the floor, dirty mirrors and rooms where you don't freaking open up the windows for ventilation?! Gross.
Often you will see me blabbering on twitter on how mad I am with my second sister with her not helping out or rather, only helps out when I asked her to. I mean.. Shouldn't all these be done voluntarily already? I get so tired and pissed when constant reminders have to fall on death ears and all she does is watch her One Direction videos on youtube. Like what the effing hell right? To add to that, unfair when they want to borrow my clothes and expects a Yes, all the time + instantaneously. That comes to a point where I pray really hard that Zaki or whoever my lawful husband to be, will be a neat freak or rather have some form of initiative to help me out with keeping things clean. Because guys, I cannot be doing this, alone, for the rest of my life. I might go crazy hahahahaha.