Gooddd morning darlings! Okay besides the fact that lil miss red decides to come today, I've got 3 good news to share. 1) I made hot earl grey tea for myself and ps; it's crazy cold in the office + it rained heavily earlier! Not that it's a big deal to pour hot water on a glass and dump the teabag in but yeah I can be pretty lazy and "starve" till lunchtime. Haha. 2) I took/steal hahaha 1 choc chip muffin from the dozen that my youngest sister baked last night and it's happily swimming in the tums now. 3) I read this article and damnnnn it's like a wakeup call for me! As much as some part of it smacks me right at the forehead, I love the pinch of humor. Especially the last sentence ladies. :P
Waiting For A Text From A Casual Partner.
First off, chill the fuck out.
You are a smart, capable, interesting, attractive and confident woman
who just hasn’t had much time to see or speak to her sort-of-boyfriend
for the last couple of weeks There is no reason he could have lost
interest – other than just generally getting bored; which is something
you can’t prevent, no matter how much you love to be in control. And
even if you could do something to stop him from “going off” you for no
real reason, would you want to? He’s just a dick if that’s what happened
– if he’s going to stop seeing you without explanation and just hope
you’ll get the message from his silence. Especially after you’ve been
seeing each other for four months. ESPECIALLY since he did all the
chasing to start off with and you’ve got mutual friends so you’ll still
have to see each other.
But anyway, in all likelihood, he hasn’t lost interest and you’re
just overreacting. He’s a boy – he probably isn’t even thinking about
it; he just needs space and is a bit bored of doing all the running
while you’ve been busy. Asking him to hang out this week isn’t needy or
desperate or a big deal, apart from in your head where you’ve somehow
blown it up to me. He doesn’t realise he was on the receiving end of a
really loaded text where his reply and the time frame it arrives in mean
the world to you. He’s just a dude who got a text from the girl he’s
dating asking if he’d like to hang out this week, and he’ll reply when
he’s ready.
When you think about it, his behaviour over the last month or so
hasn’t really been much different to usual – for some reason it’s you
that’s changed… go back to how you were in the beginning! Fun!
Assertive! Not reactive, not overthinking – just going with the flow. I
know it feels different now because you Really Like Him, but the only
difference really is that you’ll be slightly hurt by a rejection.
Everyone gets hurt sometimes… I know you’ve built walls up over the last
few years to minimise your pain, but fortunately or otherwise, this guy
has managed to break through them and you’re no longer immune. It won’t
kill you to feel a bit of heartache (if that’s what this comes to) – it
might even be good for you to experience rejection, Little Miss Ego.
Anyway, it’s not going to come to that because he’ll have been
pleased to hear from you. Pleased you’ve made the effort for the first
time in ages. And when you’re home tonight, sitting on your bed and
crying along to a Taylor Swift song because you feel like no one will
ever love you again, he’ll probably text you telling you his day was
manic and asking when you want to set something up for.
And if all else fails just remember the single girls’ mantra: If he’s not interested, he’s an asshole. 
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