I left for Phuket a day before my birthday and the plan was to meet my family there once they're done with their 4D3N in Bangkok. As much as I was excited, I was feeling anxious or rather, very gelisah for god knows why. I mean, I've been on a plane on my own twice before so... I don't know what kinda emotions settled in me but ya. My Sayang picked me up at around 8ish right after NUS 110 Concert in the Park ended (this is another event altogether and my source of income for the past 3 years 8 months fyi hahaha). In fact that few days prior to 30th November, he's been such a sweetheart fetching, feeding, carrying, whatever la. He did it all and I'm one hell of a lucky lady. I just hope he feels like he's the luckiest man on earth as well. :P

The card that he bought and had an essay in it, is something that I keep close to my heart. And you know, when someone writes from his/her heart, you can somehow feel it. This goes to their actions as well. He picked that gorgeous pair ("paling lawa kalau you yang pakai") but that other silver ware was what I had the most fun with. It's a musical turn and twist thingy that will play the tune of a 'Happy Birthday' song in the most classical way ever. It was something he got when he was in New Zealand and have been keeping it for the longest time (boy was he excited when he it was November 29th!) before he surprises me with it! I love it. Also, that's the second red box he got me for our special occasion. Will the third red box be it? #ifyouknowwhatimean
Had a quick dinner at Al-Azhar before I head home to do finally packing. Zaki left for his usual midnight soccer match and here comes the scary part. He went to JB right after for petrol x car wash x burger, the usual things he or we do when we have time together butttt there was a slight jam when he's entering back to SG anddddd he fetched me a little late to the airport. Both of us were pretty cool and we could have reached on time if there wasn't a traffic jam (again) at the east side. Thank god he was smart + confident enough and I was a willing risk taker (i'm barely one), to re-route our self in order to avoid the slow moving traffic. Rushed and the moment when we had to part ways, I did so reluctantly but I got out of the car quite fast as I was afraid I would cry. HAHAHA yupp I was bloody emotional. Ps: 3rd day of menses and bleeding heavily. Stupid. So annoying.

+ I didn't have to
queue for my boarding pass. I just have to scan my itinerary and
passport then voila, boarding pass's printed automatically! That surely saved a lot of time and of course, I had to call him back to ask if he had driven far or still have a chance to park to see me off. #wantedtocrysayinggoodbye #clingyiknow. I had a feeling that he either was driving slowly or actually did a quick u-turn to park at T2? Before he took the sky train and met me beside the famous tear drops of Changi Airport. Anyway, we lingered around for 10mins (KFC had a longgg queue and I was honestly famished but luck wasn't exactly on our side) before it's time for me to rush
in. At that very moment, I knew I love this dude too much. Way too much
and that's erm.. Scary guise.