I have like a thousand and one things to share but it's like I tweet or instagram too much that I can be really lazy to update stuffs over here. And yes that's pretty unfair right? So I'm gonna tryyy to spam as many pictures and captions as possible. Hehehe.
First up was my graduation held on Thursday. But before I proceed, let me show you something..
1) Yes I got the cheek to say, "partyyy". 2) See, my director, Lawrence is so nice! But the "lies all lies" is none
other than my idiotic funny colleague. Purposely didn't use his acct and
he thought I wouldn't know. Hahaha I threw my pink color hairband at
him upon receiving his email reply. HAHAHA.
First person I saw or met upon reaching school is none other than Hana! Without a doubt she's the closest to me throughout the 3 years of poly life. A very good listener and she understands me really well. ❤❤❤ |
One thing's for sure, I'm nothing without them. Pillar of strength right from the start and definitely, till the end. | |
I got to know Fadhilah(middle) on my 3 year Sem 2 and I'm amazed how well we both get along very well. There is so many funny moments I had with her in class. We are always the one laughing like perempuan gile when other people are so stressed up trying to solve the problem. HAHAHA. One crazy ass moments was, DUCATI. (inside joke ah, i want to share but I doubt anyone would understand it. so i shall leave it like that.) Surely gonna miss those moments in class! |
It was really nice of Caiyi to come down to show her "support" even though it was just for a while. Ps; She's my ex-colleague at Kidz Amaze and now is my CardioMix buddy. We exercise together with a trainer and around 8 other girls grooving to some upbeat moves and sweating our ass out. Hahaha. |
My 1st year Sem 2 classmates, my clique. I'll never forget them because each of us had their own "specialities" People missing from here are Mahathir, Chong Wah and Zhao Jie. :( I wished all of them were there too. Then can snap picture and make it easier to see/remember/keep. |
Another ex-colleague from Kidz Amaze, Cassandra. She's in school for her Programming project and all I can say is.. Good Luck and All The Best! Hehehe. |
The only person from my 1st year 1 Sem class! VIKAE ❤ |
"Tkpe la, niari aku kasi korang chan." Hehehe so the tall girl said. Again, let me emphasize that she's 1.7m tall. Yeap and I'm like.. 1.5m taller. HAHA. Ps; Zara's Wedges are good. Lol. |
The only picture I took with Jian Long is blurrrr. WHYYY OH WHYYY? :( He's one of the closest guy friend I had, same rank as Hana you can say, hahaha rank, but yeah that's how I'd "rate". Lol. We got to know during our 2nd year and till the end it's like we are one whole group that always go for break and go home together. :) |
Michael Yeo Xi Han! See I remember his full name! Aren't I such a good friend?! Hehehe. |
I will always and forever call her Syafiqah Giggly! Love this girl to bits also la. The other day when I bumped into her at Tong Seng after I had my dins, I think we both hugged so many times till I kinda lost count. Hahaha damn funny la. It's like every single time also like that. Yeah we are cool like that. One time meet, hug many times. Hahahaha. |
Mr Cool, Mr Suave. Hahaha Cypher club president oiiii. Oh ya, I'll never forget his surname. Mr Oh! :D |
This is irritating Hareave. Hahaha k la not fair to call him irritating I don't exactly know him personally but we are always in opposite classes and we have alot of friends in common. So that's how I got to "know" him. Anyway, he's always full of praises and compliments for me that sometimes I wonder if he need a thicker specs. :P |
Again she's one of those girls I got to know towards the end of my poly life and she definitely made a difference to it. I'm gonna miss you alot Fakhirah!!! I'm gonna miss our makcik-makcik moments in our really quiet class and together with Fadhilah, every lesson with you girls are always damn fun. I like how we can handle each other's nonsense and at times, spice it up even more. Hahaha omg thinking of it is already awesome. Imagine re-living it?! | | | | | | |
Alright I shall take a break here because I'm.. tired? And also I need to do the second set of laundry and then bathe! Gotta bring the parents out so they can pick their presents/gifts! Yeah I still owe Dad he's Birthday present and Mom's a Mother's Day Gift. Till then, have a good weekend lovelies! Ps; I have retarded, sexy, cute, funny pictures of what happened AFTER the graduation. In order words, Graduation After Party la konon. HAHA. Da k bye!
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