
Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Omg so true!!!

But as many good stories I read, I read just as many negative stories. Stories on jealousy, stories on bad breakups, stories on how they got backstabbed, so many negative ones… And I can tell from the tone of the emails that the problem isn’t what happened but the problem comes from within. I want to be sympathetic of course, but I wish I can reply some of the emails with a “You are so much better than this. Life goes on so stop dwelling about the past.” Honestly some things in life are so petty. So it doesn’t matter if that girl has 10 more Chanel bags than you do, or that girl is running a successful business, or you’re jealous that your ex is going out with someone hotter. See, emails like these upset me and I feel like I should address this. Please don’t take offense because I am just simply giving my two cents and I honestly think everyone should find the good in life.
These kinds of negativity in our lives can only slow us down. All of this comes from self-pity. Why does this happen to me? Pity me, pity me. No, just no. When we pamper our emotions so much, I think we become weaker in our self-belief. Look, everyone gets tested by God, even those girls you think you hate. Some are easy tests, some are hard tests.. whatever they may be, we must always think God won’t test us if He knows we can’t handle it. God will always be with us, so whenever we feel down, just cry it out to Him (vent all you want, God never asks you to come back later), ask for the best guidance, get back up and off you go to your next meeting. DON’T. WASTE. TIME.
I do this all the time! Anytime I feel down or I can’t decide on something, I will always blab about my problems to God on my prayer mat. Sometimes I could go on and on and on… and I always feel so much stronger after. God is “online” all the time. You’ve just got to have faith that He’s there for you, and whatever test you’re going through, God’s got your back!
Positive vibes to all. *throws positive confetti in your face*