A few days before I left for Kuala Lumpur for an "impromptu" trip with Syaff and Zaimah, I went for my first ever musical with Atiqah and it's none other than Beauty & the Beast at Marina Bay Sands! I'm not too sure if it's Atiqah's company but whenever we are a relatively new place and we're experiencing the situation first hand, we will end up "hiking". That particular day, we both climbed up and down many many stairs in our 5inch platform heels. HAHAHA ya prolly trying to kill ourselves but heyy masih hidup pon kita. :P First up, to get down for our long awaited high tea. I wouldn't recommend TWG as the selection wasn't that interesting but because we wanna be princesses for the day and it's nearest to the musical venue, why not right?
I was pretty much there for the salmon and scones and the chocolate muffins (on the other tray that is) and the smexy tea.
Hahaha and spent close to $40 per person. Mehhh.
One lucky shot from Atiqah and for the record, besides her, my sister - Huda and girlfriend - Zaimah, no one else can take a good photo of me. Quite sad huh? Hahahaha been trying to train Zaki but he barely have patience for it coz I can be instructing for a good 5-10min till correct angle/shot is taken bla bla. Plus, I'm self conscious when he takes over the camera.
I can't smile or "act candid" for god knows why. -_-

Of course more toilet snaps before we kinda got chased out of the place because I think they have some regulations for all to be out of the theater by a certain timing? I don't know man, I'm just assuming! AND PS: I DON'T KNOW HOW ATIQAH CAN WALK IN THOSE AND STILL LOOK GOOD. HAIYO I NEED TO LEARN.
Till then! xx