I've always been passionate about events, be it for work or personal matters and when I got the surprise box to be Renny's bridesmaid, I was more than glad to help and be a part of her
big day. Before we all know it, that meaningful date (3/01/2015) for Renn and Syahrul came! Pre-event "party" was at Park Avenue Changi and that is where we all began dolling up by two other MUA, Kak Yumi and Kak Fad. I had Kak Yumi to do my hair and make-up! As much as I love it, it was a lil thick for my liking but I supposed that was how things were + we gotta standout a little right? And since it looks so good in photos albeit flash photography, made my face looked fairer than my neck. Boohoo but nehmind, in normal lighting, it was fine! Click here:
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Both solemnization and wedding reception was held at this lovely place, Gurame Indonesian Restaurant at Changi which over looks the sea and has got a garden theme feel to it! It rained for a while when we were getting ready but lucky us, the weather starts to change and it was breezy the whole late afternoon to night time! Alhamdullilah to the fact that Syahrul got to lafaskan that whole sentence thingy on one breathe and brought a hugeeee smile to Kak Renny kita. Hehehe.
Of course, the bridesmaids and another with my Crystal Sisters and out partners! Ps: I weren't too pleased when I saw this photo where Zaki didn't stand close to me! *go ahead and roll your eyes* Basically, I hate to see gaps in group photos la.. Or perhaps it was my OCD acting up orrrrr I just wanted him to stand closer to meh! HAHAHA.
Look at how gorgeous this Renny is laaaaaaa. Hello? Merepek punya lawa can? And nope I'm not being biased or anything like that but she seriously was exceptionally lawa nak mampos. I think I said "Renny kau lawa nye" like more than 10 times? Sorry babe hahahahaha!
Last but not least, the friendship we all forged, will definitely be remembered for a very long time. How Sheril fetch me from home and after, one whom I felt closest to, speaking like a bullet train and entertaining each other's nonsense, how Shikin was so quiet but was so nice, sweet and helpful all the time, how malam berinai with Haya and Dee was funny coz one lost her voice and the other was actually busy with her own wedding cards hahaha + them influencing me on Running Man, how Izza rants and her whole bimbotic-ness comes to life hahahahaha! and how accommodating and gentleman the maid of honour, Helmi was! Pretty cool to have clicked very well with everyone! Till my next bridesmaid duty. xx